The project
Web technologies and digital tools can help optimize education by supporting universal learning and technical training. These tools are useful for everyone, regardless of their background or experience.
Many professionals are involved in carrying out different types of work on aquaculture farms. In the last 5-7 years, technical innovations and new machinery have changed the work methodology. Existing training programs aim to provide general knowledge of fish production and farming. However, they may not cover all necessary aspects.
This is where we come in! ​
The goal of AQUATECHinn 4.0 is to enhance the skills of aquaculture professionals and students worldwide through a digital training platform. Our digital platform is currently under development and will integrate the latest technologies in fish health, welfare, nutrition, reproduction, and shellfish aquaculture. It will also include best practices for sustainable sector management, with courses beyond national qualifications.
The platform will offer proven, recognized, and innovative training. This will support effective and efficient vocational education and training, as well as higher education systems that are connected, inclusive, and contribute to innovation.
AQUATECHinn 4.0 is funded by the European Union’s ERASMUS2027 Programme, under grant agreement No 101108913. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

AQUATECHinn 4.0 is a response
to the new challenges for the future
of the aquaculture industry.

Work Packages (WPs)
The project began in July 2023 and will last for 36 months. We are working
on 10 work packages, each under the responsibility of a different partner. Three of them are transversal ones: WP1, WP9, and WP10. It means these three will be running from the beginning to the end.
WP 1
Project Management
SGS Tecnos S.A. coordinates the orientation and management of the project. They facilitate information flow between all participants and work packages.
WP 2
Approach to digitalisation, collection of good practices and training programmes of the aquaculture sector to be digitalised
The Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU (CEU-CiTIUS) will digitize aquaculture topics for the training course. This will help the sector embrace the technological era, known as Aquaculture 4.0.
WP 3
General structure of the AQUATECHinn 4.0 Training Programme and definitions of the integrated Modules
The course structure, including the management of virtual learning tools and materials for participants, will be designed by Università di Bologna (Alma Mater Studiorum).
WP 4
Module A - New technologies in fish and mollusc aquaculture
Recep Tayyip Erdogan Universitesi will develop content about new technologies in the aquaculture industry, including marine cages, Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, intelligent farms, and robotics for the harvesting process.
WP 5
Module B - Sustainability management in aquaculture
The MARE research centre is responsible for understanding the economic and environmental problems related to shellfish and fish aquaculture and creating good practices to solve them.
WP 7
Digital tech: e-learning platform and development
of VR/gamified activities.
The Universidad de Santiago de Compostela aims to improve learning in the training programme through the use of digital technology. This includes providing support
for the e-learning platform and creating Virtual Reality and gamified activities.
WP 6
Module C - Animal health management and biosecurity, welfare, nutrition and reproduction
The Universidade do Algarve will develop content about nutrition, reproduction, feeding management, disease and disease prevention, optimization of procedures, and production of new species in aquaculture.
WP 7
Digital tech: e-learning platform and development
of VR/gamified activities
The Universidad de Santiago de Compostela aims to improve learning in the training programme through the use of digital technology. This includes providing support
for the e-learning platform and creating Virtual Reality and gamified activities.
WP 8
Pilot experiences and follow-up
The Associazione Piscicoltori Italiani will ensure that the training program meets the needs of our audience. This will be achieved through feedback and improvement of pilot tests.
WP 9
Project evaluation & quality control
SGS Tecnos, the project coordinator, monitors the project process, evaluates
and ensures the quality of the main results, and manages the project's risks.
WP 10
Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation of Results
The Centro de Ciências do Mar do Algarve will disseminate our project's results and benefits, increasing its visibility and contribution to societal challenges.